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August Newsletter 2023

Here's the Latest at Pathways

From completely renovated restrooms to our 5th Year Celebration, Pathways is on the move! Click the video above to learn more about all the amazing happenings on the campus of Pathways as we continue making strides towards lifechanging impact.

Unleash Your Passion: Volunteer at the Learning Lab

The Learning Lab at Pathways eagerly welcomes on-site agencies, individuals and groups to share their time and talents, making a meaningful difference in the lives of our participants. Whether you can spare an hour a week, a day a month, or dedicate your time once a year, your contribution will have a lasting impact. We are seeking engaging, hands-on learning opportunities that span a wide range of subjects, from resume workshops and sewing classes to book clubs, history lessons, arts and crafts, financial coaching, board games, bingo, health education, and more.

To get involved, simply complete the "Volunteer Learning Lab Interest Form" by clicking the link below. A dedicated Pathways representative will promptly reach out to you to discuss how your unique skills can enrich the lives of our participants.


As we approach the fifth anniversary of Pathways, our hearts swell with pride as we reflect on the remarkable journey of transformation and growth that we have collectively undertaken. We invite you to join us in a joyous celebration—a community block party that embodies the spirit of unity and progress. Mark your calendars for the November 10th Community Block Party, a day of festivities held right here at the heart of Pathways Community Center, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

But that's not all. On November 16th, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm, we extend a warm invitation to join us at the First Baptist Church for a benefit luncheon. This luncheon is not just an occasion to enjoy delicious food and engaging conversations; it's an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing growth of Pathways and ensure that its mission continues to thrive.

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