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March Newsletter 2023

Here's the latest at Pathways!

We are finally on the countdown for the Life House Women's Cottage to open its doors for single women experiencing homelessness. Stay tuned for the Life House to announce tour dates to visit The Cottage at Pathways! Phase II of the sprinkler installment will begin this Summer so that Bethel Shelters can utilize the Day Shelter as overflow emergency shelter beds for men. Simultaneously, renovations will start in the auditorium to convert it into a multifunctional space for our service providers to utilize for workforce development, events, conferences/workshops, ministry programs, and more! We're thrilled to announce a new service partner we've brought on board: Judge Jane Modla's Homeless Court program. This will give men and women a second chance at life without a record holding them back from success. Pathways Board of Directors has proven to be good stewards of your contributions over the years, ensuring that the Community Center meets the growing needs of those experiencing homelessness and improving the infrastructure to meet the service agency's needs. We continue to ask for your prayers and blessings as we venture into a busy year! As always, we have more exciting updates to share with you next month!

Blessed to be a blessing? Considering giving a gift to Pathways!

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